
  • One recent study showed substantial pesticide and chemical residue in marijuana smoke.1
  • Growing marijuana indoors requires a lot of energy, which releases greenhouse gases into the environment.2
  • On average, one authorized indoor pot grower in Colorado uses as much energy as 28 homes.3
  • In 2012, indoor growing operations spent 6 times more on energy costs than pharmaceutical companies did during the same period.3
  • Some operators use high-polluting generators to avoid plugin into the energy grid.4
  • Nevada marijuana grows are required to be indoors. The warm, humid air required for indoor marijuana growth can result in hazardous mold, which can endanger employees and emergency responders.5
  • Marijuana crops are not organic and chemicals used on crops are known to poison nearby wildlife.6
  1. Nicholas Sullivan, et al. Journal of Toxicology. 2013.
  2. O’Hare, M., et al. BOTEC Analysis Corporation. 2013.
  3. Finley, B. Denver Post. 2015.
  4. Oldham, J. Bloomberg News. 2015.
  5. National Jewish Health. 2012.
  6. Denver Department of Environmental Health. 2015.